Darien J, based in Brighton UK, is a producer, curator and mixer of deep dance music. He has a firm belief that dance music is for dancing not chin-scratching, foot gazing, ego-stroking or selfie-taking. Darien constantly absorbs wide-ranging influences and like a musical sponge is wrung out on radio stations and dancefloors around the world.
Totally ignoring genre limitations he manages to combine elements from the deepest side of the house, electronica and techno in both his DJ sets and productions. This kind of petulant behaviour might be expected from a young upstart new on the scene but believe it or not, this 20-year veteran has the experimental dance moves to match.
Since his debut release of The Dubstar EP on Cubism Records in 2008, his skills in the studio have improved in equal but opposite measure to the decrease in the tempo of the music he is willing to dance to. His latest releases have been described as sounding like ‘the abandoned love child of a twisted love triangle of Olivier Giacomotto, Stephan Bodzin and Solomon’.
Over the last few years Darien’s music has found homes on trendy labels like Submarine Vibes, Inside Out and Chapter 24. However, they’ve since cottoned on to his megalomaniacal tendencies (which could explain his recent defection to the Russians) and his deep dance music can now be found on the new melodic house and techno imprint Polyptych records based in St Petersburg. Mostly.
In keeping with his DIY approach (and his constant need for attention) Darien plans to launch his own label this year so keep an eye out for Hypogeal Music at your least favourite download store.